The Juice Cleanse

I just finished my second day of juice cleansing.  I’ve never been on a diet and I have never blogged. Who knows, maybe I have become the cliché twenty something New York Sex and the City wannabe. I don’t care. The past 48 hours have been the longest of my life, and if writing about it helps, I’ll give it a shot.

Being the masochist that I am, I decided to spice things up writing about food rather than eating it. Hazardous Eating is the lovechild of my solid-food-deprived-hallucinations and will probably not make half as much sense as other food loving blogs. I’m sorry for that and I pity whoever tries to read this, ever.

Anyways, sorry if I came off as a psychopath, let me clarify that it’s definitely me and not the juice. Cooler Cleanse is amazing, you get about 1200 calories a day, so any hallucinations that you might have are definitely anxiety based and not food depravation.

You can check out the program here. Essential Green and Essential Red are the most expected and satisfying, basically a full meal and they are spaced out so you’ll have one every 4 hours.

Grapefruit Mint, Coconut, and Almond Nut Milk are incredible. Literally, just what you need when it’s been two hours since your last “meal” and your mouth is foaming when you smell your bosses’ Chinese food. They are all a lot denser than what you’d think, and even Grapefruit Mint has a (surprisingly delicious) milkshakey feel to it.

Hopefully I’ll wrap up this cleanse in style, and come Friday I’ll begin my food extravaganza.  Baked eggs at Café Gitane? Perhaps…

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One response to “The Juice Cleanse

  1. re

    i want baked eggs tooo

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